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Ep. 15: Grief, Game Development, and the Emotional Significance of Oatmeal

Andrea Ayres, creator of The Average Everyday Adventures of Samantha Browne, makes me feel a lot of things about hot cereal. The making of the Average Everyday Adventures of Samantha Browne shows that oatmeal has more to do with grief and game development than you might expect. Born on the heels of grief at the loss…Read more Ep. 15: Grief, Game Development, and the Emotional Significance of Oatmeal

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Ep. 14: The Violent Femmes of Women’s Rugby

There’s a lot of assumptions folks make about violence and video games, from beliefs that violence in video games cause real life violent crime, to the stereotype that violence in video games is intended only for our more dudely players. But what about the violence that happens in real life sports? Does tackling and dragging…Read more Ep. 14: The Violent Femmes of Women’s Rugby