I know it's been a while, but I'm here to prove that this podcast isn't history! Even though this episode is all about history! This week we're joined by Josh Howard, public historian, Everquest enthusiast, bacon admirer, to dig down deep into what it means to love precarious places. From childhood gaming groups and the…Read more Ep. 26: Appalachians Play Everquest, II
Ep. 18: What Games Are Getting Right About Appalachia
In 2016, the United States collectively pointed a trembling finger of accusation at the Appalachian region. The verdict was in: America was screwed, and “Trump Country” was to blame. Journalists began to flock to the region, looking to demystify and correctly identify the dysfunctional roots of Appalachia and its people. Thinkpiece after thinkpiece was published,…Read more Ep. 18: What Games Are Getting Right About Appalachia