There’s a lot of assumptions folks make about violence and video games, from beliefs that violence in video games cause real life violent crime, to the stereotype that violence in video games is intended only for our more dudely players. But what about the violence that happens in real life sports? Does tackling and dragging…Read more Ep. 14: The Violent Femmes of Women’s Rugby
Ep. 13: The Unbearable Anxiety of Tweeting
Subtweeting is all the rage these days. And no, we don't mean tweeting from a Subway. Rae Sterling, writer and twitter role-player, joins us this week to talk about how (and why) passive-aggressiveness crops up in online gaming spaces. Join us this week to learn more about Twitter roleplay, the benefit and detriment of anonymity on…Read more Ep. 13: The Unbearable Anxiety of Tweeting
Ep. 12: Why Are You Afraid Of Virtual Reality?
The next frontier of video game development is the virtual one, and research about the impact of violence in Virtual Realiy (VR) has started to gear up (if Dr. Chris Ferguson of Episode 10 is any indication). This week JD continues the conversation about violence in video games by chatting about violence and VR with Gijs Molsbergen,…Read more Ep. 12: Why Are You Afraid Of Virtual Reality?
Ep. 11: Why Are You So Angry?
Ian Danskin of Innuendo Studios joins JD this week to talk the WHY of violence. Specifically, why does violence matter so much to so many people who play games? Ian explores why the mission to keep violence in video games feels so personal to so many people, and why conversations about the cultural implications of violence in video games get…Read more Ep. 11: Why Are You So Angry?
Ep. 10: Moral Combat–Why the War on Violent Video Games is Wrong
In a time of nation-wide unrest and division, it's surprising to hear that politicians from both sides of the aisle are united on one thing: violent video games are bad and must be stopped. Blamed for everything from school shootings, suicide, and even rickets, video games have been shouldering the burden for our society’s ills…Read more Ep. 10: Moral Combat–Why the War on Violent Video Games is Wrong
Ep. 09: Improv Games and the Art of Failure
Tune in to witness something that some might say is impossible… the changing of one man’s heart. This week JD interviews Jeremy Moran, a filmmaker, artist, and improv actor, whose consistent failure in the gaming arena USED to mean he disliked playing them all together. In Episode 09: Improv Games and the Art of Failure with Jeremy…Read more Ep. 09: Improv Games and the Art of Failure
Ep. 08: Learning the Language of Rules vs. Creativity
Join JD and Lisa P. for Episode 08 as we unpack the question of rules when it comes to creativity, play and language learning. When are rules in games fun? When are they a real snore-fest? What's the value of rules vs. creativity in play and language-learning? Lisa P. is a full-time public school teacher for the Deaf and…Read more Ep. 08: Learning the Language of Rules vs. Creativity
Ep. 07: The Pleasures of Back-Seat Gaming
JD brings it home this week... by literally interviewing the other person who lives in her home, Nora Green, about the pleasures of back-seat gaming. Nora, JD's roommate, is an avid video game spectator. Rather than playing games, Nora prefers to spend countless hours WATCHING people play games. She spectates in a number of ways: by sharing…Read more Ep. 07: The Pleasures of Back-Seat Gaming
Ep. 06: Crying in a Closet
This week JD goes solo, interviewing Bailey Morrison as part of a new series of interviews about video games with people who don't like playing video games. Inspired by Brie Code and a panel from SXSW (titled "Video Games for People Who Don't Like Video Games"), JD delves deep into the reasons Bailey finds video…Read more Ep. 06: Crying in a Closet
Ep. 05: Imagining Play, Religion, and Education
Dr. Gregory Grieve visits with JD and Kyle this week to discuss the intersections of religion, play, and education (as well as the recent publication of his new book on Buddhism and Second Life). Grieve is a Professor and Head of the Department of Religious Studies at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro where he researches,…Read more Ep. 05: Imagining Play, Religion, and Education